Toxic Cities of Ill Repute
A sunrising through polluting chemicals.
Feral dogs giving puppy dog eyes of sadness and love.
Bombs bursting between wing beats of a dove.
The kindnesses of civilians living in among soulless architecture.
These toxic cities of ill repute that grow faster and more dense
Than any jungle or forest ever had the sense to.
Supplying less of life and humanity to their starving populations,
while these gods of wealth and woe hold hallowed congregations.
Idolizing themselves to themselves and spoon-feeding their ideals
to a population who don't know, won't know, how it feels.
How it feels to be well off, comfortable and calm;
All of earth bought and placed by those lesser in their palm.
While the seas raging and the fires blazing.
While the ground cracks and creaks, and the air chokes our speech.
All in their toxic cities of ill repute.
Remember think immortal,
while most think immoral.
Eternity wrapped in an eggshell.
Cracked open and consumed,
eternal farewell.